Saturday, 26 April 2014

Pulsing With The Knowing

I have never had such powerful dreams before to the point that these are almost visions of this mysterious guy. Alejandro Manzano. I can't say I would know him just by the stuff online. But I still feel like I 'get him'. I get such a strong energy with him in my dreams like I have known him in my past and not just the dream I'm having. The dreams feel so real that even when we are in the dark I have almost memorized his 'presence'. I feel a very strange sensation that he knows me too on the same level.

He just doesn't know its me.

I can't put it in words but I try. I think because I want to stay sane :) This is all new to me.

So I asked myself to make sense of this. We are after all living in different countries. From what I know, when twinflames aren't physically together it means there is work to be done. That both need to work on themselves on emotional / mental levels before the two actually meet in person. What usually happens if the meeting happens too soon that it was 'meant to be', the energy between both turns out to be very very intense.

My dreams are intense. No, actually it is way too intense for me. There is an overwhelming sense of respect, admiration and love for each other and so heart felt from both sides. We are drawn together like magnets and it transcends 'cute puppy love'.

On a personal level, for the past couple of months, things have been falling into place for me on every level and I have been feeling very content, satisfied and at peace. The sense of completion that I already feels seems to be multiplied with these dreams that I almost wait to go to bed at night to LIVE through new revelations.

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