Tuesday 29 April 2014

How Difficult Is It Getting For You Alejandro?

Watching brothers, their wives and their kids...that closeness between them, do you want that too? Getting asked the same inane question “so when will you settle down”. Isn't it getting difficult? Theres silence between you and me but I can FEEL it. it’s a vibrational communication. This isn’t a one sided conversation as I thought it was because though there is silence between us  my brains decoding your calling out. IM A RECIEVER. Receiving your transmissions. And like osmosis I feel different emotions. None that stem from the situations I am in. It is like I am absorbing what you feel where you are what you’re doing rather than my present moments.
Those who truly love you will stand by you, no matter what. And those who are no longer part of your life have already played their role in helping you find out who you truly are. Sometimes it takes polarity to be able to differentiate who WE are, who THEY are and where WE'RE going. They help providing that contrast which allows you to see differences - now you know who you are, and what you want and what your non-negotiables are.    

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